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Bringing the Weather in Storm Corona

The single most important thing I’ve learned doing stand up comedy in NYC over the last couple of years is that while it’s fine to read the crowd, you don’t let the crowd dictate your energy on stage — whether they’re quiet and not laughing much or ‘hot’ and roaring. If the last comedian bombed, you bring your ALL. If the last comedian crushed, you bring your ALL. If there are three people in the crowd and you paid for their entrance and drinks so you could get on stage, you bring your ALL. If you’re in a packed room of hundreds who came to see you, you bring your ALL. Same same in life.


Folks, I know for most of us it’s cloudy on board, and sh*#’s flying at us from all angles. We can’t control what’s happening around us and how other people are feeling and responding to what’s happening, or how much frozen food they’re buyin’ and stockpilin’. But we are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for the weather we bring. So, as much as possible, bring the sunlight, bring the calm skies, and bring the smooth seas.

Here are some ways we can bring the sunshine:

Give! The easiest way to shift your vibration positively and forget about how your rent/mortgage is about to be due but your paychecks are through is to help someone else. Check on your elderly friends and neighbors and let them know you’re available to fetch groceries, walk their dogs, or talk on the phone. Your time and attention is the greatest gift of all. See how you can support local businesses, the homeless, frontline healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, and so many others who need your specific magic and support during these times. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve got me some friends over 70. This past week my phone log shows I spent 134 minutes talking to those peeps over the last week, and I’M THE BETTER FOR IT. They’re fine and all perfectly healthy, by the way. They’ve just been checking on me.

Nature!  Even if we can’t leave home, we can listen to the birds, talk to a plant (they are such good listeners), or listen to soothing nature sounds at home. Mama Earth is a master healer.

Sleep! Enough said. Nobody judgin’ most of us for staying in our pajama (bottoms) all day. Sleep, nap, rest, repeat.

Laughter! “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand,” said Mark Twain. Ellen’s Pawsup on IG is where we begin our day. Paws Up on IG  Most comedians without a side hustle are completely out of work and could use your support (if not financially, you can like/share their work, and follow them)! Trevor Noah and the Daily Show team are producing their show from their couches, and that’s where my boys and I choose to get our news Monday to Friday. Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Move Your Body!  At home, get yo reminiscent groove on with Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, or Gilad, or do some yoga with Yoga with Adriene  and her pup Benji, spin with Pelaton, or boogy down to some tunes at home! Or even better, find out how you can support your favorite local fitness and yoga instructors with online courses.

Meditation! Danielle Laporte led a magical Earth Adoration meditation and it’s posted on Instagram for all of us to savor. You’ll feel puffy pink, sapphire blue, sparkly gold, and translucent ribbons of white during and afterward.  You gonna feel great during and after this meditation…  I also love me some Joe T on YouTube  Hypnotic mediations to soothe yo soul

Music! Even if you aren’t Italian, sing, AMORE!  Watch Italians sing!

Spend time with elephants! Ok, this may be a stretch right now. How about we all watch an elephant video or two? Here’s one from my Thai adventure that I could watch on loop all day long. I do, actually. Mama sits on tired baby ellie

Gratitude! It’s easy to get swept up in how the changes in our lives are affecting us negatively. But, my guess is there’s so much to be thankful for if you’re reading this blog. Start with breath itself. Air. Life. The miracle of your body. Maybe you get to spend more time with your pet, loved ones, or alone. What’s sustaining you now?

Let the Fear/Anxiety/Worry move through you! Sit with your fears as if they’re your beloved child, breathe through them, and let them move up and out in whatever way feels best to you. Let’s do it right now. We okay, and we gonna be okay. That feels good.

Compassion! If someone around you is buying up the last dark chocolate peanut butter cups on the shelf, STOP THEM NOW! Just kidding. You can surely understand why they would. If someone sneezes in the grocery store, send them a “Gesundheit,” or “Bless You,” or wrap them in a cocoon of white light. Everyone’s doing their best in this moment. If you want the world to calm the F down, be a beacon of peace, faith, and loving kindness. You just keep bringin’ the sunny weather, my friend.

Use your intuition! Your intuition is always guiding you always on what street to take, how much and what food you need, whether now is a moment to stay home or go out, and that, yep, you can leave that bar of soap on the shelf for somebody else to buy.

Routines! Part of what many of us are suffering from is a complete break in our daily routines. The kids may be home from school, your work may be completely virtual (or in absentia) now. What beautiful new routines feel good for you? Where can you build in more spaciousness now?

Nutritious foodplenty of water and vitamin C!  Or, whatever’s left on your grocery store shelves. I had no idea how much I’d love frozen onion rings, so thanks for leaving those.

Conscious News! If you choose to monitor the news, choose which news sources you monitor, when, and how often you choose to receive news. For positive news, I’m consciously tuning into John Krasinski’s Some Good News  and Inspire More Inspire More Videos on YouTube Focusing on the positive isn’t naive, it’s essential. What we focus on expands, so let’s allow the goodness, kind-heartedness, and love on board flourish by giving it our full attention.

Breathwork! – Have you tried breathing? I know, I know. We’ve somehow been doing it successfully our whole lives. Check out David Elliott on Spotify for some pranayama yoga that might just show you the magical power of inhaling and exhaling (as well as the magic of a sweet southern twang). Or support a local/remote teacher who is offering virtual classes like Awakened Breathwork with Christian.

Prudent Purchasing! We all need to buy goods y’all, so let’s purchase with the abundance mindset. There’s plenty for us all, unless we take too much.

Where did the dark chocolate peanut butter cups GO?!

Prayer! Send positive thoughts first thing in the morning and right before sleep (and many times in between) to all beings. Simple say, “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all,” as the Sanskrit Mantra, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, goes. Or choose your own prayer. Prayer is simply kneeling at the feet of the divine, or the force of love that governs all, and placing all of your hopes and fears in her hands.

Depth! Even now, it’s easy to get caught up in the superficial, like uh, “What’s for dinner when I have no idea how to cook?” Or we can revert to talking about the pandemic, the blaring headlines, plus all of our anxieties and worst case scenarios. How about instead of, “How much does everything suck?” we ask our loved ones, “What’s sustaining you now?” or “What’s inspiring you?” or even “In what ways do you find yourself sharing your gifts during this extraordinary situation?”

And thank you, by the way. For sharing your gifts.

In the comments, I’d love to hear how YOU are Bringing the Weather! Lemme know.

Read more about packing up the love and the sunshine while aboard here: Aboard Cruise Ship Earth with Coronavirus


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What’s Knocking at Your Door?

What’s knocking at your door…besides the delivery person with another Amazon package?

Which opportunity is seeking you out? Is it love, a new job, a change in lifestyle, a new place to live, a new friend or something even more wildly exhilarating?!  

In 2014 I became a life coach. I loved coaching from the start. When I asked for five practice clients when starting my certification, I was shocked that people actually wanted me to coach them. I loved coaching so much I thought I should just pay them to do it.

Then my coaching clients asked me to do workshops in Amman. I started offering those in 2015 and loved conducting women’s circles and workshops so much that I again wondered how is it that I’m getting paid to do what I love?

I kept going. I kept coaching. I kept learning new ways to work with people as a ‘soul worker.’ I learned how to lead meditations and how to lead  circles. I got certified to do Reiki energy healing and to open the Akashic Records. Maybe I just remembered how to do all of these things. Even so, I still wasn’t sure how to offer my own special sauce mix of all of those things.

In September 2018 I sat with a group of friends in NYC. “You’re so intuitive,” said one friend I’ll call Maria. “The world needs your intuitive gifts, especially now.”

“If you could print a business card with any title on it, what would it say?” asked another friend.

“Healer,” I said for the first time aloud. “Whether I’m working with people in a corporate environment, working with the Akashic Records, coaching, doing my stand up routine, or even writing blogs, it’s all about healing.”

That same night Maria sent me a message. “When you decide what you want to offer in terms of healing, I’d like to sign up.” That was September 18th, 2018.

I thanked her. I said I would put something together and send it to her.

Weeks passed.

Maria didn’t give up. She knocked on my door again (via text) on October 15th. “Could you do your intuitive healing work with me by phone?” she asked. “I have several people who want to sign up to work with you (including me)!”

Oh shit! She hasn’t forgotten! Maria even knows other people who want to work with me? But I don’t even know what I’m offering? 

Another month passed. Maria gently probed once again, “Do you have my correct email address? I want to make sure I haven’t missed your email!”

Holy cow, it had been over two months since our initial discussion. I so much wanted to work with Maria and her friends, and I wanted to offer myself up in new ways. I just wasn’t sure how and I wasn’t sure what I’d call it or if I’d even be good at it.

At the end of November, Maria became my first official “intuitive coaching” client. I opened up her Akashic Records and blended coaching with Reiki distance energy healing along with the rich wisdom and energies of the Akashic Records. Since that time I’ve worked with several other people individually, some in person in NYC and others via phone. I’ve also led circles in NYC and a 6-week Zoom tele-class teaching others how to unlock the power of their intuitive gifts. I’m still wondering how I got those people to sign up and how they continue to find me since I still don’t have a business card…

Then there’s all the testimonials from clients:
“I’ve spent money on worse things,” said an unpaid actor who was unharmed in the making of this blog.
“I didn’t know what to expect from my Akashic Records session, and my expectations were low so Kimberly exceeded those,” said another unpaid actor.
“I knew one day Kimberly would stop being an Interculturalist (whatever that is) and do something I could actually explain to my friends,” said my mother. Sorry, Mom.
“Thank you for another eye opening experience in your group last night.  It was enjoyable and by far the best meditation experience(s) I’ve had in New York. Please keep doing this wonderful work.” N.H. a real person in NYC
“Your 6-week course was a gift to my soul. When can we set up the next healing session?” said Maria, another real person who goes by another name and who I hope is smiling as she reads this blog.  🙂

“When are you going to tell people you are ‘open for business’?” Maria recently asked me.

You’d think the grim reaper was a-knockin’ at my door! What’s been knocking is about to knock down the door, and I’ll be laying there in my jammies eating gluten free chocolate cupcakes wondering what to put on my business cards!

After a session or a circle I dance my way through the streets of New York City and think, Well, that was just another lucky one-off experience. Crazy Mofos are paying me to do this work, but I’d pay them! Although this work is my calling, it’s like I wouldn’t answer the goddamn phone! It’s taken me many months, or even my whole 45 years on the planet, to catch up to the fact that maybe, just maybe this is what I’m supposed to be doing. Not just as a hobby, or a side business. Maybe this is exactly what I should be focusing my time and energy on now because it’s my true calling.

Here’s what I know for sure because Oprah and Deepak have said it to me in their meditations a hundred times:

What YOU are seeking is seeking YOU!  

If something similar is happening in your life, listen to its’ whispers, which will eventually become calls, knocks or even shouts.

They   are   the   voice   of   your   soul. 

Pay attention to what makes you feel alive and what makes your soul sing out for more. And don’t be caught with a mouth half-full of cupcakes in your jammies with a green facial mask on when the door gets knocked down. Trust me on that.

So I’m shouting it from the rooftops: “I’M OPEN FOR BUSINESS, Y’ALL!!!!” … at least until my neighbors tell me to ‘shut up’ or call the police. Maybe I’ll just keep it to an email newsletter and this blog for now because who cares about business cards anyway. And because I like my neighbors.

I hope that YOU also continue to step into your deepest desires, that you know that your gifts are absolutely essential part of what your community, your family and our world needs NOW, and that when LOVE, OPPORTUNITY and FUN come knocking at your door, YOU’LL ANSWER, too!!! 

Rock on!!

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Inviting a Stranger to Broadway – The Show Goes On

Watch what happens when a stranger agrees to join Kimberly for an afternoon of snacks and heartfelt fun at Come From Away on Broadway. The stranger becomes a friend and they both invite us — as does this touching Broadway hit — to all give what we can without expectations.

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Why Invite a Stranger to a Broadway Show?

“Why not?” answers Kimberly, as she purchases two tickets for the Broadway hit, Come From Away. Follow her as she heads out on a Saturday morning to purchase the essential Twizzlers candy for her and the mystery guest that she hopes will join her in about 24 hours.

On Sunday see what happens when she still doesn’t have a taker to join her for the 3pm matinee show. Will she eat 10 packs of Twizzlers on her own next to an empty chair?


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Meeting Mrs. Maisel

Join us on just an ordinary dog walk in NYC’s Central Park that led us onto the set of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel…