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Bringing the Weather in Storm Corona

The single most important thing I’ve learned doing stand up comedy in NYC over the last couple of years is that while it’s fine to read the crowd, you don’t let the crowd dictate your energy on stage — whether they’re quiet and not laughing much or ‘hot’ and roaring. If the last comedian bombed, you bring your ALL. If the last comedian crushed, you bring your ALL. If there are three people in the crowd and you paid for their entrance and drinks so you could get on stage, you bring your ALL. If you’re in a packed room of hundreds who came to see you, you bring your ALL. Same same in life.


Folks, I know for most of us it’s cloudy on board, and sh*#’s flying at us from all angles. We can’t control what’s happening around us and how other people are feeling and responding to what’s happening, or how much frozen food they’re buyin’ and stockpilin’. But we are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for the weather we bring. So, as much as possible, bring the sunlight, bring the calm skies, and bring the smooth seas.

Here are some ways we can bring the sunshine:

Give! The easiest way to shift your vibration positively and forget about how your rent/mortgage is about to be due but your paychecks are through is to help someone else. Check on your elderly friends and neighbors and let them know you’re available to fetch groceries, walk their dogs, or talk on the phone. Your time and attention is the greatest gift of all. See how you can support local businesses, the homeless, frontline healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, and so many others who need your specific magic and support during these times. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve got me some friends over 70. This past week my phone log shows I spent 134 minutes talking to those peeps over the last week, and I’M THE BETTER FOR IT. They’re fine and all perfectly healthy, by the way. They’ve just been checking on me.

Nature!  Even if we can’t leave home, we can listen to the birds, talk to a plant (they are such good listeners), or listen to soothing nature sounds at home. Mama Earth is a master healer.

Sleep! Enough said. Nobody judgin’ most of us for staying in our pajama (bottoms) all day. Sleep, nap, rest, repeat.

Laughter! “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand,” said Mark Twain. Ellen’s Pawsup on IG is where we begin our day. Paws Up on IG  Most comedians without a side hustle are completely out of work and could use your support (if not financially, you can like/share their work, and follow them)! Trevor Noah and the Daily Show team are producing their show from their couches, and that’s where my boys and I choose to get our news Monday to Friday. Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Move Your Body!  At home, get yo reminiscent groove on with Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda, or Gilad, or do some yoga with Yoga with Adriene  and her pup Benji, spin with Pelaton, or boogy down to some tunes at home! Or even better, find out how you can support your favorite local fitness and yoga instructors with online courses.

Meditation! Danielle Laporte led a magical Earth Adoration meditation and it’s posted on Instagram for all of us to savor. You’ll feel puffy pink, sapphire blue, sparkly gold, and translucent ribbons of white during and afterward.  You gonna feel great during and after this meditation…  I also love me some Joe T on YouTube  Hypnotic mediations to soothe yo soul

Music! Even if you aren’t Italian, sing, AMORE!  Watch Italians sing!

Spend time with elephants! Ok, this may be a stretch right now. How about we all watch an elephant video or two? Here’s one from my Thai adventure that I could watch on loop all day long. I do, actually. Mama sits on tired baby ellie

Gratitude! It’s easy to get swept up in how the changes in our lives are affecting us negatively. But, my guess is there’s so much to be thankful for if you’re reading this blog. Start with breath itself. Air. Life. The miracle of your body. Maybe you get to spend more time with your pet, loved ones, or alone. What’s sustaining you now?

Let the Fear/Anxiety/Worry move through you! Sit with your fears as if they’re your beloved child, breathe through them, and let them move up and out in whatever way feels best to you. Let’s do it right now. We okay, and we gonna be okay. That feels good.

Compassion! If someone around you is buying up the last dark chocolate peanut butter cups on the shelf, STOP THEM NOW! Just kidding. You can surely understand why they would. If someone sneezes in the grocery store, send them a “Gesundheit,” or “Bless You,” or wrap them in a cocoon of white light. Everyone’s doing their best in this moment. If you want the world to calm the F down, be a beacon of peace, faith, and loving kindness. You just keep bringin’ the sunny weather, my friend.

Use your intuition! Your intuition is always guiding you always on what street to take, how much and what food you need, whether now is a moment to stay home or go out, and that, yep, you can leave that bar of soap on the shelf for somebody else to buy.

Routines! Part of what many of us are suffering from is a complete break in our daily routines. The kids may be home from school, your work may be completely virtual (or in absentia) now. What beautiful new routines feel good for you? Where can you build in more spaciousness now?

Nutritious foodplenty of water and vitamin C!  Or, whatever’s left on your grocery store shelves. I had no idea how much I’d love frozen onion rings, so thanks for leaving those.

Conscious News! If you choose to monitor the news, choose which news sources you monitor, when, and how often you choose to receive news. For positive news, I’m consciously tuning into John Krasinski’s Some Good News  and Inspire More Inspire More Videos on YouTube Focusing on the positive isn’t naive, it’s essential. What we focus on expands, so let’s allow the goodness, kind-heartedness, and love on board flourish by giving it our full attention.

Breathwork! – Have you tried breathing? I know, I know. We’ve somehow been doing it successfully our whole lives. Check out David Elliott on Spotify for some pranayama yoga that might just show you the magical power of inhaling and exhaling (as well as the magic of a sweet southern twang). Or support a local/remote teacher who is offering virtual classes like Awakened Breathwork with Christian.

Prudent Purchasing! We all need to buy goods y’all, so let’s purchase with the abundance mindset. There’s plenty for us all, unless we take too much.

Where did the dark chocolate peanut butter cups GO?!

Prayer! Send positive thoughts first thing in the morning and right before sleep (and many times in between) to all beings. Simple say, “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all,” as the Sanskrit Mantra, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, goes. Or choose your own prayer. Prayer is simply kneeling at the feet of the divine, or the force of love that governs all, and placing all of your hopes and fears in her hands.

Depth! Even now, it’s easy to get caught up in the superficial, like uh, “What’s for dinner when I have no idea how to cook?” Or we can revert to talking about the pandemic, the blaring headlines, plus all of our anxieties and worst case scenarios. How about instead of, “How much does everything suck?” we ask our loved ones, “What’s sustaining you now?” or “What’s inspiring you?” or even “In what ways do you find yourself sharing your gifts during this extraordinary situation?”

And thank you, by the way. For sharing your gifts.

In the comments, I’d love to hear how YOU are Bringing the Weather! Lemme know.

Read more about packing up the love and the sunshine while aboard here: Aboard Cruise Ship Earth with Coronavirus


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Living out of Alignment with your Soul

Are you living out of alignment with your soul?

Frustrated? Anxious? Up in the night worried? Or are you generally feeling like something important in your life is missing? And have you been feeling like this for days, weeks, months or even years on end?

Often, but not always, these symptoms are signs that we are not aligned with our soul.

Soul alignment? Are we really talking about soul alignment here?


I know. We talk more about the alignment of our back. If you’ve gotten this far, I promise it’s worthwhile to read on. This is your soul we are talking about.

On the human level everything in life may seem to be okay. Maybe you have a job, you have a family and friends, and you have a roof over your head. Even when your thoughts tell you that, “Hey, I got nothin’ to complain about,” when you are out of alignment with your soul your heart will tell you so.

Your heart will tell you so?

YES. I know, talking hearts may sound as wacky as soul alignment. But you’ve made it this far so keep reading. It’s your heart, after all.

When we come into human form I believe our ‘soul’ dwells in the space that is our heart center. But many of us are busy listening to the unruly child that dwells in our head. The thoughts that say, “It’s not realistic to change cities, jobs, or my life situation. I don’t have the time, money, etc.”

But the heart continues to speak to you, telling you in its own language that something is not right. And you can feel it when you are out of alignment. For some of us our soul gently whispers the deeper messages of the heart like, “You know, you always dreamed about (being a humanitarian, traveling the world, starting my own business, etc.). When are you going to make the first step?”

For some of us, the whispers have changed to a deafening shout, “Now is the time! What are you waiting for?!”

Three years ago at a workshop in Amman, Jordan where I was living I went into a guided meditation called, “Meeting your Higher Self.” In the meditation the facilitator guided us to meet our true self, my higher self, or what I would describe as our soul. Some of the participants experienced their soul as a ball of energy or expansive light. My true self revealed herself as an older, wiser version of me. She had one clear message for me. “Book,” she said.

“What book?” I asked her.

“Book,” she replied. Just book. She’s older, wiser and a lot curter than I am.

But I got the point. I was to write a book. At that point in time the only thing I was writing consistently was e-mail.

Beyond her message about the book, being in her presence (yes, I do realize it sounds strange to talk about my soul in the third person) also showed me that I was out of alignment. This woman was old as life itself, as powerful as lightning and equally as loving.

After the workshop I called my friend to say, “I was in conversation with my soul today. She said I should write a book.”

He laughed.

One year later I took my two sons who were 6 and 8 years old on a journey backpacking through Europe, relying on friends and strangers to help us. We traveled for 3 weeks without a plan and instead relied on flow and intuition to guide the way. I created a blog during the journey. My friend read it and said, “ You should write a book about this.”

I laughed.

Two years later and I’m editing the 337-page manuscript.

Have you had a person in your life that saw the best and brightest version of you? Maybe it was a teacher, family member or friend. Have you noticed that you fill those big bright shoes more easily around someone that sees you in your wholeness rather than what you are ‘lacking’?

We live in a world full of tadpoles. Tadpoles who are busy swimming around in the pond, checking pond FaceBook to see what other tadpoles are doing, buying things on Amazon pond, and drinking pond water. Ask most tadpoles about whether it is possible to live life leaping on land and they’ll chirp, “Leap on land? You don’t have legs, frog face!”

And you reply, “But I feel legs emerging! And at night I have these dreams that I’m leaping wild and free out of this water and on top of the lily pads and lotus flowers!”

“You’re a larval lunatic,” says the other tadpole.

Ok, so not all tadpoles are that mean. The point is that no one knows how you can leap on land, start your own business, write your first book, and live the full truth of who you are like you do.

Now imagine that you could see yourself in your absolute glory: whole, grounded, powerful, courageous, infinite, wise, present, the embodiment of love, connected, safe and eternal. This is the truth of who you are. It’s the first chiropractic adjustment to re-align with your soul.

At our Open Circle in New York City on Wednesday Nov 28th we will be focusing on Soul Alignment. I will be facilitating an “Inner Journey to the Soul” meditation and circle discussion. If you are in New York, please join us from 7-9pm at the One Spirit Learning Alliance (247 W 36th St).

Learn more at our FaceBook event link: Click here for FaceBook event info


Kimberly provided a quiet, comfortable, inviting space in the midst of the hustle and bustle of NYC and brought together a room full of beautiful souls, who in their own willingness to share and be seen, gave me the courage to be vulnerable and seen as well. That is ExtraOrdinary Grace!

– A.S., Participant from New York City