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Living out of Alignment with your Soul

Are you living out of alignment with your soul?

Frustrated? Anxious? Up in the night worried? Or are you generally feeling like something important in your life is missing? And have you been feeling like this for days, weeks, months or even years on end?

Often, but not always, these symptoms are signs that we are not aligned with our soul.

Soul alignment? Are we really talking about soul alignment here?


I know. We talk more about the alignment of our back. If you’ve gotten this far, I promise it’s worthwhile to read on. This is your soul we are talking about.

On the human level everything in life may seem to be okay. Maybe you have a job, you have a family and friends, and you have a roof over your head. Even when your thoughts tell you that, “Hey, I got nothin’ to complain about,” when you are out of alignment with your soul your heart will tell you so.

Your heart will tell you so?

YES. I know, talking hearts may sound as wacky as soul alignment. But you’ve made it this far so keep reading. It’s your heart, after all.

When we come into human form I believe our ‘soul’ dwells in the space that is our heart center. But many of us are busy listening to the unruly child that dwells in our head. The thoughts that say, “It’s not realistic to change cities, jobs, or my life situation. I don’t have the time, money, etc.”

But the heart continues to speak to you, telling you in its own language that something is not right. And you can feel it when you are out of alignment. For some of us our soul gently whispers the deeper messages of the heart like, “You know, you always dreamed about (being a humanitarian, traveling the world, starting my own business, etc.). When are you going to make the first step?”

For some of us, the whispers have changed to a deafening shout, “Now is the time! What are you waiting for?!”

Three years ago at a workshop in Amman, Jordan where I was living I went into a guided meditation called, “Meeting your Higher Self.” In the meditation the facilitator guided us to meet our true self, my higher self, or what I would describe as our soul. Some of the participants experienced their soul as a ball of energy or expansive light. My true self revealed herself as an older, wiser version of me. She had one clear message for me. “Book,” she said.

“What book?” I asked her.

“Book,” she replied. Just book. She’s older, wiser and a lot curter than I am.

But I got the point. I was to write a book. At that point in time the only thing I was writing consistently was e-mail.

Beyond her message about the book, being in her presence (yes, I do realize it sounds strange to talk about my soul in the third person) also showed me that I was out of alignment. This woman was old as life itself, as powerful as lightning and equally as loving.

After the workshop I called my friend to say, “I was in conversation with my soul today. She said I should write a book.”

He laughed.

One year later I took my two sons who were 6 and 8 years old on a journey backpacking through Europe, relying on friends and strangers to help us. We traveled for 3 weeks without a plan and instead relied on flow and intuition to guide the way. I created a blog during the journey. My friend read it and said, “ You should write a book about this.”

I laughed.

Two years later and I’m editing the 337-page manuscript.

Have you had a person in your life that saw the best and brightest version of you? Maybe it was a teacher, family member or friend. Have you noticed that you fill those big bright shoes more easily around someone that sees you in your wholeness rather than what you are ‘lacking’?

We live in a world full of tadpoles. Tadpoles who are busy swimming around in the pond, checking pond FaceBook to see what other tadpoles are doing, buying things on Amazon pond, and drinking pond water. Ask most tadpoles about whether it is possible to live life leaping on land and they’ll chirp, “Leap on land? You don’t have legs, frog face!”

And you reply, “But I feel legs emerging! And at night I have these dreams that I’m leaping wild and free out of this water and on top of the lily pads and lotus flowers!”

“You’re a larval lunatic,” says the other tadpole.

Ok, so not all tadpoles are that mean. The point is that no one knows how you can leap on land, start your own business, write your first book, and live the full truth of who you are like you do.

Now imagine that you could see yourself in your absolute glory: whole, grounded, powerful, courageous, infinite, wise, present, the embodiment of love, connected, safe and eternal. This is the truth of who you are. It’s the first chiropractic adjustment to re-align with your soul.

At our Open Circle in New York City on Wednesday Nov 28th we will be focusing on Soul Alignment. I will be facilitating an “Inner Journey to the Soul” meditation and circle discussion. If you are in New York, please join us from 7-9pm at the One Spirit Learning Alliance (247 W 36th St).

Learn more at our FaceBook event link: Click here for FaceBook event info


Kimberly provided a quiet, comfortable, inviting space in the midst of the hustle and bustle of NYC and brought together a room full of beautiful souls, who in their own willingness to share and be seen, gave me the courage to be vulnerable and seen as well. That is ExtraOrdinary Grace!

– A.S., Participant from New York City

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