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Meet Me in the Akashic Field

I was a young child when I had my first experience with the Akashic field in the back seat of my Mom’s Chevy. How cliche! All mystical experiences start off in the back of a Chevy! Anyway, my mother was driving me to my grandparent’s farm past rows of swaying corn fields on rural northwest Ohio roads. I sat in the roomy backseat with my Raggedy Ann doll tucked firmly on my lap. I recall looking around at the cars and people passing by as we drove with Olivia Newton John belting out Hopelessly Devoted To You on the radio, which played softly in the background.

What’s all of this about? Who are these people and where are they all going? I thought to myself. Are we all in some sort of movie?

Then this knowing came over me. That’s the best way I can describe it. A strong knowing. I saw an image of divine being (what I imagined to be God) in long robes surrounded by light and other divine beings. This being spoke to me without words but I understood immediately. It’s as if God said, “Yes, my child. You’re all part of this cosmic play. Every person and every thing on earth has a purpose and role to play. It’s all recorded and when you come home, it all gets played back for you like a movie.”

I was maybe five years old. None of this should have made sense but it all made perfect sense. I understood we’re all part of a play of light and goodness. I experienced this expansive and interconnected field of light. I felt completely embraced by love and support from my other home. Some would call it an awakening experience. Some would call it an overactive imagination! 🙂 I believe it was a remembering while I was still young enough to not be fully pinned down by the gravity of the earth plane. I believe I was connected to the Akashic field– the energetic membrane that connects us with life itself.

I pulled my floppy Raggedy Ann even closer. I also knew that I should keep this knowing to myself. This was the first of many encounters I had as a young child with Spirit. Since first officially being reintroduced to the Akashic Records in 2016, I now understand this was my first experience with this vast spiritual resource.

The Akashic WHAT? This sounds like some new-agey concept!

Akasha, in Sanskrit, refers to ether, the primordial substance from which all things are created. Instead of referring to Akasha as the fifth element, Sadguru calls it, THE ELEMENT. Mystics, sages and all ancient wisdom traditions have long held that there’s an interconnecting cosmic field that holds the energetic imprint of all information on the planet. In the Old and New Testament it’s referred to as the Mind of God or the Book of Life. The Akashic field is non-denominational and holds all the information about your soul’s journey. In the past we’ve imagined it to be like a library or the cloud, since it contains all of the information about your soul’s past, present, and future.

Philosopher and Scientist Ervin Laszlo, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, confirms that this Akashic Field is real and maintains a constant and enduring memory of the universe, including the record of all that’s happened on Earth and in the cosmos and all that is yet to happen.

As I type this I’m aware that this may sound p r e t t y f a r o u t there. My calling is to make the spiritual practical and bring heaven to earth in a grounded way. Here’s why I’m sharing this:

  • Whether you know it or not, you’re connected and connecting with the Akashic field through your intuition
  • This vast spiritual resource is your birthright
  • The Akashic field is not only accessible to mystics, seers, and sleeping prophets like Edgar Cayce, it’s available to us all
  • There’s so much more than past life information in your Akashic Record. There’s healing, wisdom, guidance, insight, creativity, and all the things that support us on our very human concerns while on earth

Since being reintroduced to the Akashic field in 2016, I’ve spent hundreds of hours in the Records. I’ve always been drawn to the energetic practices and perspective available in the Akashic atmosphere. But in the past few years I find myself pivoting away from what’s been traditionally taught about accessing the Akashic Records and feel called to reimagine the way we connect with this etheric space.

I believe it’s time to reimagine the traditional ways of accessing and reading the Records. It’s time for a more empowered and accessible approach.

I’ll be leading a 3-hour online workshop called “Meet Me in the Akashic Field: Reimagining Your Soul’s Records” on Friday, October 18th from 12-3pm Pacific. More to come on this soon on EventBrite and via my newsletter! Sign up for my newsletter on this blog site.

In the meantime, I’d love to read your comments and questions about the Akashic field. Share them here on this blog or via email at Kimberly Blanchard Coaching @ gmail . com

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