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Testimonials from Past Participants:

Each week that I have attended Kimberly’s “ExtraOrdinary Grace” circle, I have had a new “Ah-ha!” moment, an opening and insight into something I was not aware of before I arrived. Kimberly creates a safe, guided space for participants to explore the known and the hidden, bring light to the shadows and uncover the joy. I love this group, the community she is developing and Kimberly as teacher. She meticulously weaves a path for participants to explore their higher selves. Definitely give it a try! – Michelle S. (Teacher, NYC)

Kimberly gracefully creates a welcoming, safe space. Gently and creatively she encourages easy connections between the participants. I left feeling more present and connected to myself and others. I am grateful to have been nurtured on many levels. – S. Birks (New York City).

“Better than therapy!” – Michelle (Teacher, NYC).

“If you’re ever in need of some reassurance that good people with kind hearts exist, I would urge you to consider taking a course led by the incomparable Kimberly Blanchard. Through her workshop, “ExtraOrdinary Grace,” I rediscovered the grace that lives inside me and how to activate it to better serve my community. I found genuine connection with the other participants and left with a feeling of abundant love. Two-thumbs way up!”-NF (Actor, NYC).

Kimberly provided a quiet, comfortable, inviting space in the midst of the hustle and bustle of NYC and brought together a room full of beautiful souls, who in their own willingness to share and be seen, gave me the courage to be vulnerable and seen as well. That is ExtraOrdinary Grace! – Andrea, New York City

Kimberly creates a space where all are honored and invited to join together in exploring ourselves and what we find truly meaningful. – L.J. (New York City).

I attended three of Kimberly’s workshops in Jordan. The workshops were during a time of my life when I was struggling at work and I was trying to make decisions on what I wanted — not only in my career but also with my personal life. Kimberly’s sessions and coaching were an eye opener for me. I strongly recommend such workshops with Kimberly and I would do it again as I found peace with myself and others after the coaching. – Nadia Shabana (Regional Consultant, Middle East & North Africa, Amman, Jordan).

Kimberly’s class guided me to discover what I would like to do, what I would like to be, who I need to be with. Through her class, I found out who I am. – Kayo Martin (Teacher in Amman, Jordan originally from Japan).

When I met Kimberly I was leading yoga classes and giving so much of myself I had started falling into a depression and suffering from anxiety attacks and so I knew I had to start taking care of myself. Kimberly used techniques to get me to open up and truly do the self-inner work needed to get the answers to help me heal. I let go of so much old baggage, judgement and limiting beliefs. She encouraged me to experience what truly IS and to be in the present moment. The container that Kimberly created was so safe and I felt supported and loved which allowed for my journey within to be truly life changing. In letting go I created more space within for my Higher Self to reside which has transformed my life and propelled me forward to become a facilitator for empowerment workshops for women. I am forever grateful to Kimberly for her compassion, strength and vision to continue this work which allowed me to live a life of purpose, authenticity and abundance. – Maria Brito (Project Manager, Huntsville, Alabama).